Easy way to save money & our mental health.

I always say that is not intuitive for everybody to save money.

In fact, what is saving money to some of us: putting aside some money and not touch it, even when we see something we eagerly want! This generates frustration, sadness and tiredness.

To tell you a little anecdote: one day I received a comment from a lady on Instagram telling me that she was very at saving money, that she always did, and also that she could not understand why it is that difficult for people to do not save money.

And as much as I am a tolerant person, I think that this kind of judgy comment makes people want to step away from saving because they just give up before trying. I often say how a journey it has been for me to start saving money. It is true, and I believe I can even be more helpful to you (if this is your case).

So here are my advices to easily save money in some categories of your life:

  • Clothes/Bags/Shoes/Belt/…: Declutter!

    Yep, it is as simple as that. I’m sure you know what you like and what you don’t like. I am also sure that you would love to have a clear and neat wardrobe with only white T, Beige pullover and Black trousers, am I right?!

    I might exaggerate a bit, but clean your wardrobe, donate all you need to give away. I would suggest you donate, but if you need money and you are going to sell the items in a very short term (2 to 3 months), ok do it; but my purpose here is to make you stop buying things you think you need but you don’t, and above all to make you fell good and happy with what you already own.

  • Skincare: Use what you Own! Skincare take ages to be finished, and for reasons I ignore, our brain, our sense just want to move on to the next beauty item instead of finishing off what we already own.

  • The Kitchen: this is a very personal one, as I don’t know if you cook or not, but if not try those quick and easy recipes which are my go-to ones!

    On the other hand, if you love cooking as much as I do I highly recommend you install a monthly routine in which you do the inventory of what you own and what you can cook with.

    For instant you have some dry grasps (raisin) left, bake a cake or make some bread, cookies, energy balls,… the options are endless.

My purpose here is to make you take small and feasible habits.

If you try those advices you won’t get any feeling of frustration, I can guarantee you!

As always, thank you for your time.

We talk next Friday.
